2021 Goals!

Reading last year’s new year goals is almost comical. I intended on having a busy year competing in different venues and was looking into doing dressage to music. I wanted to improve my flexibility and seat too. Oh and throw a nice big DIY party for our wedding! Needless to say, I achieved none of these.. I have spent more of the year NOT riding than riding, my exercise routine has been massively affected by both COVID and being pregnant and our wedding party was cancelled (though we did get married!)

Who knows what this year will bring! At the moment we are in a tier 4 ‘lockdown’ and it looks like from a national point of view, the first few months of this year at least will be largely restricted by COVID. On a personal point of view, I’m due to have my baby in a week or two and Pea is currently a roughed-off, fluffy bog pony. I have no idea how early motherhood is going to be and how I’m going to be able to juggle that with pony ownership so I just have one goal for 2021 and anything more than that will be a bonus!


This year I aim to achieve some kind of balance between being a mum and ‘normal life’. I want to be able to ride again in some capacity and get Pea back to looking as loved as she is!

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